About TweakTown

TweakTown® is dedicated to my late grandfather Val Grimm, who first introduced me to computers many moons ago. The website was officially named and launched to the public on the 15th of September 1999. Originally TweakTown was known as "Wilmot's Website" and serviced as my homepage (blog) with information about me and links to other websites. TweakTown has transformed into one of the biggest and most successful tech websites in the world, being accessed by many tens of thousands of readers every day.

We have been featured in many mainstream press magazines, newspapers and many high-profile websites such as Digg, Gizmodo, Engadget, Slashdot and Fark regularly, and even on television through CNN, The Screen Savers, and TechTV. Our content is syndicated to thousands of readers through our RSS feeds, as well as by Google News and others.

How did it all start? I had a pretty good understanding of getting better performance out of 56k dial-up modems. So, I decided to publish a modem "tweaking" (fine tuning or optimizing) guide for friends that were crawling along on slow 56k dial-up Internet connections. They needed that little extra speed boost in online games to improve their ping. In the way the Internet works best, the word quickly got around about how well the famous Modem Tweaking Guide improved performance, and Wilmot's Website eventually got bigger, at rapid speed, to the point where it adapted into a fully functional tech website, with talented editors dotted all over the world.

Wilmot's Website was hosted by my local ISP at the time. They eventually kicked me off their server for exceeding bandwidth limits. At this stage, I had also released a couple more tweaking guides for my growing audience. This was when I thought about starting up an optimization page and getting rid of the personal stuff, which probably wasn't of much interest to the general public. On the 15th of September 1999, I suddenly came up with the idea of renaming Wilmot's Website to "TweakTown."

In 2004, sometime after TweakTown turned into a full-time job for me, a company was registered in Australia named Tweak Town Pty Ltd.

Thanks must go out to many people who have helped TweakTown in the beginning stages. There are too many to list, but you know who you are! Although without a doubt, the most important people are you, the loyal readers of TweakTown, who help keep us alive and keep coming back for more daily tech goodness!

Thanks for reading!

Cameron Wilmot

Cameron Wilmot, founder of TweakTown

Mission Statement

TweakTown's mission is simple. Since 1999, our primary aim has been and continues to be to provide quality unbiased, trustworthy, honest, and useful technology, science & space, and gaming-related content to our readers around the world.

We pride ourselves in providing a high-quality and frequently updated free online resource supported by advertising to aid our readers in making informed buying decisions on the latest technology products backed by hours and hours of benchmarking and testing by our experienced editors.

Editorial & Ethics Policy

TweakTown and its editors pride ourselves in providing honest and accurate information. Every product reviewed by our editors is tested and benchmarked extensively before a review or article being published. Many of our editors have at least ten years of experience in the PC, tech, and gaming fields. Over that time, they have developed the skills and knowledge required to test accurately and scrutinize the products that they receive and report on.

TweakTown has not and will never accept any form of payment for favorable reviews/articles/roundups or any sort of reporting.

TweakTown does accept payment for sponsored content. All content that has been sponsored is very clearly marked in various locations in the content itself, such as in the byline ("Sponsored Content"), and in the article itself with the text "Please Note: This is sponsored content and its contents may or may not represent the thoughts or opinions of TweakTown or its editors."

TweakTown is not and has never been influenced by any outside parties. Likewise, the senior editorial staff has never and will not alter or try to persuade our editors for an adjusted review or report, different from their own opinion. TweakTown has a strong policy against plagiarism and has a three-strikes-and-you-are-out rule for all editors.


TweakTown is owned 100% by Tweak Town Pty Ltd (ABN: 82106585657 and ACN: 106585657), an Australian registered company. Tweak Town Pty Ltd is owned 100% by Mr. Cameron Wilmot (a single entity, a citizen and resident of Australia), and he is also the founder of TweakTown.

TweakTown or Tweak Town Pty Ltd is not and has not ever been influenced in any shape, way, or form by any nation state, government, political party, political action committee (PAC), or the like.

TweakTown is proud to be an independent media backed by a small company without any outside influences. TweakTown's editors are paid solely by Tweak Town Pty Ltd for the content they produce and are usually allowed to keep the products that companies send to them to test, free of charge.

Fact-Checking and Corrections Policy

TweakTown's content is created by our own editors who have multiple years of experience in their various tech, science & space, and gaming fields. They have been reporting on the latest news, products, events, and such, and over that time have learned to distinguish between factual and false information and news.

TweakTown's content producers fact check their own work. Before publishing, they ensure they have researched the topic enough, including names, locations, and factual accounts, to feel confident in publishing, and ensure the original source is credited and added to all content.

We do our best to provide correct and detailed information, but sometimes due to factors out of our control, incorrect information could be published. In such cases, we correct the information as quickly as possible and update the content stating the change and why we had to correct it.

Write to us

Tweak Town Pty Ltd
19 Pike Street,
Camperdown, VIC, 3260

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